Chipping/tagging your fish
Digital Angling provides both sofware and hardware to get you started with chipping or tagging your carp.

By chipping or tagging your carp, you will be able to automatically match the catches to the correct fish. No more hours to spend behind your computer, going over hundreds of photos over and over again to try and match a certain catch.
Added benefit: it is proven that chipped/tagged carp are less prone to theft, since they can always be retraced upon each catch.

Next to providing you with the necessary chips or tags and readers, we have builtin functionality into our Off the Mark app, so that anglers are able to input the chip number on their catches. Once this is done, the catch is automatically matched to the fish. You don't need to do anything anymore.

Get in touch!
Interested? Get in touch with us and we'll provide you with all the necessary details and a demo to get you convinced that chipping/tagging is the way to go for modern day fisheries.